May 16, 2017
I realized I hadn't shared the latest itinerary for the Celtic Invasion of Brittany. How else am I gonna make you jealous and long to join me on one of my Celtic Invasion Vacations if I don't talk more about it? So you will hear about some of the oldest and most-condensed standing stones in the world in Carnac, Brittany. Plus, we'll explore the Broceliande and Arthurian legend as well as other great legends and history from Brittany. It's gonna be an exciting trip. Look for more podcasts and videos in the weeks to come.
I had a great turnout at the earlier hours of Johnnie MacCracken's Celtic Pub. I plan to talk to the pub owner see if I can keep those hours in the future.
There are just 3 days Left on Kickstarter for As Long As I'm Flyin', my Browncoat album. We're $984 away from 3rd stretch goal. Please keep telling folks about it.
My new Video Strategy is working well. I release new music videos weekly and other videos more frequently as well. My latest video, "Wear the Brown with Pride" is from my upcoming album and was recorded live in the studio.
The final migration of takes place this week. Look for downtime on the website.
Don't Go Drinking With Hobbits - How Did It Do?
Did you notice I rebranded this podcast title...again? It's now called "Celtfather Music & Travel". That's the name and what it will be about.
I'm brainstorming additional trips to exotic locations, maybe even a music retreat. But I could use your feedback. What would excite you in a retreat to Venice? Or Dingle? Would you like to learn some session tunes? Maybe learn some Irish songs? Learn to play the autoharp? Or perhaps you'd like to play D&D? LOL. All in an exotic location with good food, good drink and good company.
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